
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


We’re stronger when we work together

  • May 25, 2017
  • Heat Smart

Last January, we partnered with the North Carolina Community Action Association (NCCAA), on an innovative fundraising program. Called Blankets of Love, it benefited families suffering from Hurricane Matthew. Last fall, we partnered with Veterans, Inc. and National Grid’s Customer Care Outreach Team to benefit returning veterans (see our Nov 12 Blog: Heat Smart Joins National Grid in Saluting Our Vets).

Seeing a trend here? We did too. Our partners were coming to us to help them implement fundraising programs. And we were happy to jump in and help, case by case. But couldn’t we do more? What if we shared our expertise with everyone? The world might be a warmer place, right?

This spring we put our heads together and formalized a program to help our partners, whether non-profits, utilities, employers, tribes or government programs, reach more families in need. We understand the budget and staffing challenges you face and we can help. First, is with our innovative kit. At just $12 per kit (over $40 retail value), it’s a cost-effective tool that could help a family save nearly $200 every year.

Second is with helping you raise the funds to purchase the kits. We can help you partner with other like-minded organizations (such as major employers or civic organizations) to sponsor your program and purchase the kits to meet their own community goals and gain positive PR. We can also help you run a go-fund-me type of donation program to raise the funds. We’re creative in our approaches and can tailor a fundraiser to fit your program requirements.

We offer two levels of engagement – you choose the amount of help that meets your staffing need. Level 1 is through no-cost Plug and Play Templates. These are proven, field-tested materials that have helped other organizations succeed, ready for you to customize with your organization’s name, goals, and specifics.

Level 2 is a Turnkey Approach where we manage the program for you (from soliciting sponsorship partners to coordinating kit distribution logistics to administering promotion), funded by raising money above the cost of the kits. We can even help with generating additional fundraising revenue.

It’s a smart, cost-effective way to help more low income families and meet your organizational goals. Curious to learn more? Email us and ask for our complete How To guide!

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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