We’re on the right track!
- April 7, 2015
- Heat Smart
Last week we attended the National Community Action Foundation (NCAF) 2015 Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. to learn more about CSBG funding and H.R. 1655. That’s NCAF’s Reauthorization bill which will determine future funding for CAP agencies, for whom funding has been stagnant.
It received broad bi-partisan support as it was introduced on the floor. It was impressive to see and hear all those that spoke in support of the bill and in support of weatherization programs that will help people save energy. Time and again Senators stood and spoke about the importance of giving people the tools they need to help themselves. That’s exactly what Heat Smart does, and in a very cost-effective way.
Senators and Representatives also spoke about the importance of working in partnership – government, utilities and CAP agencies – to effect long term behavior change. Our own research last fall also showed utilities and CAPs are looking for ways to partner and help familes save energy. We’re especially excited about that as our recently-concluded pilot program was a partnership between Duke Energy, the North Carolina Community Action Association, and Heat Smart. Statistical results are being tabulated now, but all involved feel the partnership aspect was a success. We continue to look for new partnership opportunities to help low income families save energy, help utilities reduce energy demand, and help CAP agencies reach more constituents.
The best news we came away with is the possible availability of increased Block Grants to support those partnership programs. It appears that David Bradley from NCAF was able to influence decision makers to increase funding, but only time will tell.
Congress returns from spring recess on April 13th, and you never know what will happen with the final budget vote as they reconcile House and Senate versions. For now, things are looking positive due to NCAF and Bradley’s efforts and we’re feeling hopeful. The NCAF Conference was a wonderful opportunity to see the inner workings of the budget process, and time well-spent.