
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


Supporting a key constituency

  • July 7, 2016
  • Heat Smart

Families left out in the cold make us really hot under the collar.

We’re passionate about keeping people warm when they don’t have the means to do so on their own. We’re a long-time partner of tribal Community Action programs and have helped more than a dozen Indian tribes around the U.S. with repeat deliveries of our Heat Smart kit. We empower tribes to help their members with a program that meets their needs and fits their culture.

The welfare of tribe members is important to us and we’d like to become more involved. That’s why we’re once again participating in the upcoming Reservation Economic Summit Leadership Conference in Oklahoma, sponsored in part by Cherokee Nation Businesses. It’s a meaningful event to us and we appreciate the opportunity to participate.

One part of the conference will address Tribal Energy policy, and that’s great. Long-term, strategic solutions to heat insecurity are important all across the country. But in the immediate future, we understand the challenges tribe’s heat assistance programs face – in heating, in funding and in meeting a growing need. We know it’s not enough to wait for the government to help and we’re ready to assist their communities in any way we can.

As a regular RES attendee, we’re deeply committed and look forward to catching up with old friends and making new acquaintances among today’s Indian leaders. Every year we make new connections, hear respected opinions and offer valuable information.

If you’re going to RES, we’d love to get to know you and see how we might help. Stop by the Heat Smart booth and introduce yourself. If you’re not going, send us an email and we’ll be sure to connect with you. Hope to see you in Tulsa!

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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