
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


How to Influence Opinion

  • September 22, 2015
  • Heat Smart

Or, Give and you shall receive.

Promotional products (pens, mugs) are a key strategy to cost-effectively raise a company’s brand image. In a recent study of promo item recipients, 71% remembered the company’s name, and 52% said their impression of the company was more positive. Two considerations make your give-away even more effective:

  1. Choose an item that reinforces your brand or company goals.
  2. Choose a useful item that fills a need.

Why is Heat Smart talking about branding? Because we can help you raise your public profile and reach more people with a useful item that reinforces your ideals: A Heat Smart blanket with your logo on it. Whether you’re a utility, implementer, CAP agency or government program, a Heat Smart blanket has the ability to show off your brand on a daily, hourly and even minute-to-minute basis.

In fact, our pilot program that gave low income families Heat Smart kits in partnership with a major North Carolina utility last fall has had a lasting positive effect for all involved. Here’s what participants said five months after the program ended, even without a logo on the blanket.

Annie Byrum: “They are nice to receive, nice to have, and nice for Duke Energy to help us out.”

Candace Shrout: “I was very happy to be part of the Heat Smart research. It was interesting and I’m glad you guys took it upon yourselves and brought it (energy saving potential of blanket) to everyone’s attention.”

Roberta Wilson: “It was very nice for you to give us the kits – they do keep us warm. Thank you guys for the blankets.”

Ready to start your own tailor-made Heat Smart program and increase your image in your community? We partner with non-profits, utilities and government programs to distribute our inexpensive energy efficiency kits. We can embroider your blankets with your organization’s logo or the logo of a kit sponsor at a small additional cost. Get more details online or contact us to get started – it’s easy!

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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