
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


Heat Smart Wool = Energy Efficiency + Behavior Change

  • September 11, 2015
  • Heat Smart

That’s a great formula, right? As you saw in our last blog, our pilot program participants saved a mean average of 863 kWh over the control group, just by using our wool blankets and weatherstripping to be comfortable enough to turn the heat down overnight.

Right from the start, we knew this simple idea could have a HUGE impact. But don’t take our word for it, here’s what some of our North Carolina pilot participants said.

Roberta Wilson: “We turned (the heat) down to 65 because of the blankets and saved probably a good $20 on the electric bill each month. The blankets were good quality, they really do keep you warm and insulated. The weatherstripping helped tremendously too.”

Candace Shrout: Being in the pilot “brought my monthly electric bill down quite a bit– I’d say about 20 bucks. It helped me tremendously and we’re very happy with the blankets.”

Annie Byrum: “I loved the blankets, they kept me warm and they made me sleep good. I never had anything like that before…you don’t feel no air around them – it cuddles you up. And it helped lower my electric bill.”

Gladys Knox: “I turned down my thermostat by 10 degrees and was able to stay really warm. Every month when they sent my bill and showed the comparison, I had above average savings.”

When you consider that each Heat Smart kit costs $12 while saving families an average of nearly $200 annually, it’s quite possibly the most cost-effective way to lower heating bills. Just imagine how much it will save a family over the blanket’s 20+ year lifetime!

Ready to start your own tailor-made Heat Smart program? We partner with non-profits, utilities and government programs to distribute our kits and jumpstart energy-saving behavior. Get more details online or contact us to get started – it’s easy!

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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