
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


Gobble ’til you wobble!

  • November 16, 2017
  • Heat Smart

It’s that time of year again…To dust off the pumpkin pie recipe, debate the merits of stuffed versus unstuffed turkey, and squeeze 18 relatives at a table built for 12.

We love it all, and at Heat Smart we’re thankful for so much. We’re thankful to Northwest Woolen Mills for making our high quality, cost-efficient blankets and our innovative kit.  We’re thankful for all those who took a leap of faith with us back in 2005 when we launched. We’re thankful for all those who participated in our studies and helped us prove thermostat setbacks and Heat Smart Kits work.

But we’re especially grateful for all the community partners we work with as we try to ensure everyone stays warm this winter. Because while we are thankful to be gathering in a big, warm house, there are too many who will be shivering.

In 2015, an estimated 6.0 million households received heating assistance through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), just a fraction of the estimated 10-15 million U.S. homes who need it. This large and growing unmet need, combined with shrinking LIHEAP dollars, requires innovative action. We’re ready – are you?

We need to team up with even more community partners to get Heat Smart Kits in the hands of families and veterans who need them to empower behavior change and save an average $200 on their heating bill. Are you our next partner?  Think about it over the Thanksgiving break, then contact us. We’ll be happy to tailor a program that works for your community and meets your goals.

Warmest wishes for a happy Thanksgiving!

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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