
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


Everyone likes a road trip!

  • June 2, 2016
  • Heat Smart

Even though it’s nearly summer and heat waves are around the corner, keeping people warm is still on our minds. Like you, we have a passion for reducing energy poverty, and maybe someday, eliminating it altogether. (Hey, we can dream, right?)  So Heat Smart is hitting the road to attend industry conferences, make new connections and learn what’s new in helping reduce energy demand.

We’ve dedicated our company to helping those who need assistance in order to stay warm with an innovative, cost-effective idea. At the core of it is all-natural wool, the fabric that raises body temperature the fastest of any material. Plus, we’ve researched and tested behavior change methods that make our program a success and can make your job easier.

Our first trip is to the Mile High City, aka Denver, from June 6th through the 8th. We’ll be joining industry thought leaders at the nation’s largest annual gathering of energy assistance professionals, the 2016 National Energy & Utility Affordability Coalition Conference. We look forward to sharing our ideas with everyone from energy professionals to LIHEAP and weatherization policy folks. This is our sixth trip to NEUAC, and we’ve always found it informative. NEUAC helps us form new partnerships with professionals and organizations across the country to help stretch energy resources, reduce demand, and save low-income families money. Maybe this year, one of those new connections will be you.

Our second trip is to the beautiful White Mountains in New Hampshire, to NEEP’s Northeast Energy Efficiency Summit on June 13-14 at the Omni Mt. Washington. NEEP is a New England Regional AESP  covering the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic to accelerate energy efficiency. In addition to helping them celebrate their 20th anniversary, we’ll be meeting with state and local policy leaders, efficiency program administrators, and utility representatives to build collaboration. We feel Heat Smart has a lot to add to the conversation about Next Generation Energy Efficiency.

Stop by our booth at either conference and see how we can help you reach your goals. Or, email Executive Director Donna Montaquila to set up a time to meet. If you can’t make it to the conferences but would still like more detail, please email and she will be in touch right away.

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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