
Heat Smart has partnerships with public and private organizations from Maine to California.


Dynamic partnerships make the world go ‘round

  • December 19, 2017
  • Heat Smart

Dance partner, study partner, business partner… a good partner can make or break the success of any venture. After all, where would Bill Hewlett be without Dave Packard? Ben Cohen without Jerry Greenfield? William Procter without James Gamble? You get the idea.

Without partnerships, Heat Smart couldn’t reach as many families in need of heat assistance. As a small initiative, the magic happens when we partner with people like you to distribute Heat Smart Kits to low-income families. So as we close out 2017, we salute each and every one of our partners. Here’s to you!

Looking forward to 2018, we want to do more. We want to blanket every family that needs help with the natural warmth of wool. We’re looking forward to helping more community action agencies reach more families. We’re looking forward to giving more weatherization programs another tool for their energy-efficiency programs. And we’re looking forward to giving more nonprofit organizations an innovative fundraising idea. The Heat Smart kit is all those things and more.

So what’s in store for us in 2018? We’ll continue reaching out to community programs, veterans, tribe health & welfare committees, utilities and others to tailor a Heat Smart program to meet their unique organizational needs. We’ll keep attending industry conferences and trade shows to see what’s new and how we can help.

Let’s start the New Year with a conversation about how we can work with you to achieve your heat assistance goals, cost-effectively. We’re already working in 39 states! Get your project to the top of our list by emailing or calling us. In the meantime, we wish you and yours the very warmest of holiday seasons.

Energy burden higher for those who can least afford it. 

1 in 4 households held back by a high energy burden.

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